ISCI 787-J-50 Fall 2024
Seminar in Applied Information Systems for Information Specialists
Welcome to ISCI 787-J-50: Seminar in Applied Information Systems for Information Specialists! This is the home page for the course, where you’ll find all announcements, which will also be posted on the Blackboard course site. The menu on the right provides links to all the course modules.
You will be completing a set of virtual labs accessible via the Microsoft Azure portal. Detailed instructions and an instructional video will be available in about a week. The access codes for the labs and textbook will be provided by Check Point, so please wait a few days for course enrollment to stabilize. The first module does not require the manual or labs, so you can go ahead and get started.
Please note that the videos for this course will display the ISCI 340 title on the intro slate. Since ISCI 340 is a prerequisite for this program, this class is provided for those who have not yet taken ISCI 340. Additionally, there is an extra reading assignment due at the end of the semester. The required book is listed in the syllabus, and I will post more information about this later.